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January 1, 2011

. . . Where and how is God calling you? Is your church helping you to discover and answer God’s call?

. . . How do we maximize our leadership potential without driving one another crazy?

. . . How can we make our church more open, inclusive, and able to meet the ministry needs of a constantly changing culture?

Equipped for Every Good Work provides a way to explore these questions. The four tools — Spiritual Gifts Inventory, Leadership/Interaction Styles, Spirituality Web, and Task Type Preferences — help individuals and groups discover and understand the gifts, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors that influence their ability to live as Christian disciples and to lead within a community of faith.

If you have purchased the book Equipped for Every Good Work, this is the place to get handouts and slides (Downloads), to get answers to questions (FAQs), and to find Exercises, Articles, and Resources to take the process beyond information gathering into a true journey of transformation toward gifts-based ministry.

This website is intended to be a companion resource to the book, Equipped for Every Good Work. If you are here out of curiosity or have used a different tool for spiritual gifts discovery, you will find helpful and interesting information on these pages. Gifts discovery is not dependent on one tool or one process. While we believe we have provided a process of scripturally based integrity, the tool is not as important as the dialogue inspired, the connections made, the power of grace released when we focus our attention on the work of the Holy Spirit within us.

We hope that the book Equipped for Every Good Work and this website will foster connections among Christian stewards — connections founded in the common experience of the Holy Spirit, the ongoing, living presence of God in Christ. May we be filled with light and heat, opened to the power of grace and love as we build gifts-based ministry. This is ministry that knows no institutional walls. It grows out of clearer understanding of who and whose we are as the body of Christ, ready to respond to the needs of a hungry and hurting world — “equipped for every good work.”

Let’s go . . .

3 Comments leave one →
  1. Melissa Bailey-Kirk permalink
    February 21, 2011 2:15 pm

    I have used the process outlined in “Equipped for Every Good Work” in many congregations over the past 8 years, and have been such an advocate for the process that I have given all of my copies of the book away to other pastors! I understand that Discipleship Resources has stopped printing the book; is it being printed by another publisher? How can I get another copy?

  2. Melissa Bailey-Kirk permalink
    February 21, 2011 2:25 pm

    Where can I purchase a copy of “Equipped for Every Good Work?”

  3. Barbara Dick permalink*
    February 21, 2011 3:33 pm

    Equipped for Every Good Work is being brought back into print. If you need copies in a hurry, you can order them from Wipf & Stock at:
    Tyler Stewart, Custom Reprint Coordinator
    Wipf & Stock Publishers
    199 West 8th Avenue, Suite 3
    Eugene, Oregon 97401-2960 USA
    541.344.1528 (phone)
    541.344.1506 (fax)

    If you can wait a few weeks, we will post a link for direct purchase from Wipf & Stock.
    –Barbara & Dan

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